Burnt out the ends of a lethargic day,
The very essence of a cold morning
Another street lamp dies, yet another dawn awakes…
Azure sky silhouetted against the ruddy horizon
Seeking to be admired, longing to be cherished,
Yet the slumber veils her desire to bask in its very essence…
With bleary and dazed eyes she would awaken to see,
A car snaking its way through the stifling streets,
Oblivious to the magnificence of a beautiful morning,
Gone are the rare mornings which flaunted at their exquisiteness,
The hailstorms which fell like tossed cotton now seem like a deception,
No longer does the wind tussle with her locks…
Draped in an exquisite attire,
She now romances the brands,
Her desires now ride on winged surprises…
Yet she longs to muck around in the mud,
Dance her wits out in the rain,
Take a stroll through a silent street…
All she has now is a longing to reach out to her native self,
A wish to be embraced by her lover
And a vision to run wild ahead of the feisty horses.